masa muda ni la kan guna kereta macam ni? :D
a few days ago, i had this conversation with my mummy
hisan : mummy, nak tgok tak kereta yang kita nak? :D
mummy: ahh tak de de
hisan : alahh tgok laaa, kereta audi r8! :D dalam game harga dia 220,000$ jeee
mummy: kau nak kau beli sendiri
so the chances of me getting the is, i might sayy, urmmmm, 1 : 100000000000000000?
unless i start working for some super-famous-kaya-nak-mampus-company-that pays-you-1milliondollarsss-a-month, i won't get the car, :(
seriously, why laaaa? why can't the car be like, super cheap, yet super cool?

whyy is the world so unfair -.- just look at it, it's like, a working piece of art!

:0 so sleek,
and to top it all off, it can transform to a frikkin' decepticon!!! hahaha
haih -.- one can dream, right? i better stop myself
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